Committed to Advancing Basic & Clinical Research on RLS

Application Process

Sign up for the IRLSSG annual membership here. 

Questions can be directed to

IRLSSG Regular Membership - $40.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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Membership Categories & Criteria

1. Voting Membership - Voting members will either:

a. have a doctoral level degree and be currently working in an area related to RLS research or clinical practice, or

b. provide evidence of significant contributions to the field or one or more publications in the field. At least some of the contributions must have been made within the past 5 years.

2. Associate Membership - Associate membership is available to students and to paraprofessional staff including study coordinators or technicians currently working in the field of RLS.

Excluded from Membership
Individuals working for for-profit organizations with potential conflicts of interest, such as pharmaceutical companies, as their sole professional activity would not be eligible for membership, even if they were otherwise qualified. However, those with dual professional activities, who are employed in both a for-profit organization with potential conflict of interest and in a non-profit setting, may apply to the Executive Committee for membership. Current members who enter the employment of a for-profit organization with potential conflict of interest must have their continued membership status reviewed by the Executive Committee.

Benefits and Services


  • Opportunity to participate on publication committees.


  • IRLSSG website access
  • Access to course sites
  • Access to online materials including PPT and PDF papers
  • Access to OnDemand CME content

Live Learning

  • IRLSSG Annual Scientific Meeting
  • IRLSS Annual Scientific Meeting networking reception and dinner (with guest)
  • Participate in all IRLSSG programs
  • Connect colleagues with RLS researchers

Practice Tools

  • International Membership Directory – database that helps patients find you

Additional Benefits

  • Strong advocacy at the international level on RLS related health issues.
  • Inclusion on online membership directory
  • Vote on executive committee positions
  • Networking and professional development opportunities through social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets

If you have any questions about the renewal process, please contact us at

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